Dr. G.L. Arora is a well-known Ayurvedic Doctor in Rishikesh. He is a master of Ayurevda. He practise classic and most effective form of Ayurveda.
Ayurveda is said to be 5000 years old and is more relevant today than ever. Ayurveda is holistic, comprehensive and simple to understand, although the science behind it is rich and complex. You'll see that anyone can apply basic Ayurvedic principles to their life and enjoy natural health and optimal wellness. We'll start with Ayurveda's definition of the Five Elements. Ayurveda teaches that the entire universe is made up of the following five elements: earth, water, fire, air and space. All matter is composed of these elements - our bodies, food, the environment.
Ayurveda has considered about the diet in detail. The Ayurvedic diet is one that not only nourishes the bodys.
The Pancha Nidana refines a diagnosis in cases where a single causative factor (nidana) may create a number of different diseases. For example, the aggravation of vata causes eighty different types of diseases. Generally, it is not sufficient to know only the cause of the disease, in this case the aggravation of vata dosha. Knowing the various types of vata, it is important to procure information about the dosha type, body channels (srotas), tissues (dhatus) and systems that are involved in the pathogenesis of the disease in question. Simply implementing an "anti vata" therapy may not permanently eradicate all vata related disorders..
Treatment in Ayurveda means to maintain the body in the harmony of nature.
Dr. G.L. Arora started Arora Ayurveda and Panch Karma centre with the main goal of successful treatments and satisfying their patient queries and providing precise consultations. Doctors at Arora Ayurveda and Panch Karma centre are highly professional and passionate toward their patients care. Dr G.L.Arora organizes his consultations and treatments as per the classical practise of ayurveda.
Ayurvedic Treatment does not mean suppressing the main symptoms and creating some new ones as side effects of the main treatment. It is to remove the root cause and give permanent relief.
Ayurveda has considered about the diet in detail. The Ayurvedic diet is one that not only nourishes the body.
Ayurveda has considered about the diet in detail. The Ayurvedic diet is one that not only nourishes the body, but also restores balance of 'Tridoshas' wich is very much essential for maintaining Health. Depending on our dosha, or constitutional type, some foods can be beneficial, and others should be avoided. These same foods may have the opposite effect on another dosha. The science of Ayurveda teaches that right diet is the foundation of healing. For maximum health and vitality, the ideal diet is one that balances our doshas.Here we are recommending foods to balance each of the three doshas..
Ayurveda has it's own way of diesease diagnosis.
Panch karma helps re-energize the body by opening the blockages , removing the toxins or unwanted things from the physical body their by improving the energy flow.
By cleansing toxins and balancing of vata , pita, & kafa helps in reducing / minimizing the causes of disease or sickness.
Helps in rejuvenation ,
Ayurveda has considered about the diet in detail. The Ayurvedic diet is one that not only nourishes the body,
Ayurveda uses five types of evaluative tools, known as the Pancha Nidana, to diagnose disease. Pancha means "five", and nidana is "diagnostic methods." These are the cause (nidana), preliminary signs (purva rupa), symptoms (rupa), exploratory methods (upashaya) and disease development (samprapti).
Living with the cycles of nature maintains health and a disconnection from those natural cycles leads to disease.
Rishikesh the land of Yoga, is situated in Uttarakhand, the northern state of India, encircled by Himalayan hills and intersected by the wide and chuckling holly river Gangage. Rishikesh is a divine city on the earth is claimed as the yoga capital of the globe. This is the leading reason that, people from all over world come to this destination to seek a spiritual pleaser and peace of mind. The wind of Rishikesh blows with the fragrance of sacredness. Miles scattered greenery gifts this place a bridal look and shows its closeness towards nature.
To bring about equilibrium in the body Ayurveda prescribes Panch Karma- a curative line of treatment that works in the principles of sodhana chikilsa (purification/cleasing procedure).Panch Karma is a part of the purification therapies of Ayurveda. "Panch" means five and "Karma" means action.
According to Ayurveda all diseses can be cured with Panch Karma . Treatment is very effective in diseases like hemiplegic, polio, rheumatoid arthritis, skin diseases, epilepsy, insomnia, hypertension, cardiac problems, intestinal diseases, peptic and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis and asthma. Besides this, it produces immunity and increases youthfulness of our body.
With Meditation we can understand our physical energy and mental energy more clearly and properly after that we can apply and change our lifestyle and food programme. Meditation also helps to release stress, anxiety, desires and minimize greed.
Rishikesh the land of Yoga, is situated in Uttarakhand, the northern state of India, encircled by Himalayan hills and intersected by the wide and chuckling holly river Gangage. Rishikesh is a divine city on the earth is claimed as the yoga capital of the globe. This is the leading reason that, people from all over world come to this destination to seek a spiritual pleaser and peace of mind. The wind of Rishikesh blows with the fragrance of sacredness. Miles scattered greenery gifts this place a bridal look and shows its closeness towards nature.
Badrinath Road , Near Tapovan Police Chowki , Rishikesh , Uttarakhand